California wildfire victims face new challenges and this chart shows how much Americans make at every age


Happy Thursday, MarketWatchers! Here are the top personal finance stories of the day.

Personal Finance
California wildfire victims face new challenges finding housing

New data suggest those made homeless by these fires will have an uphill struggle to find new housing.

Researchers say they created a 10-minute universal cancer test, but experts remain skeptical

The test can reportedly identify whether someone has cancer, but won’t say where it is located or how severe it is.

Are dentists hooking patients on opioids?

A new study says patients getting the painkillers for wisdom tooth extractions face increased abuse risk.

I’m 81 and signed over my life savings to my son to manage my finances, but he told me he’s keeping it

‘I thought that my son, whom I always put before me and financially supported, would not be such a heartless and greedy person.’

Fewer Americans are flipping homes — and that’s a bad sign for the housing market

‘Home flipping acts as a canary in the coal mine for a cooling housing market.’

Warren Buffett says this simple tip will boost your worth by at least 50%

Perhaps the most often quoted figure in all of finance, Buffett had an intense fear of speaking in public early in his career. A facility with the written and spoken word, he says, can make all the difference in one’s financial success.

The next big risk to your security is your child’s video-game habit

Hackers are increasingly targeting video games, new report finds.

Your kid’s computer might actually not be making them smarter

A new study didn’t find ’significant impacts’ on academic skills for kids with new internet access.

This chart shows how much Americans make at every age — how do you compare?

The run-up to age 40 is particularly important for earning power.

7 credit-card hacks to save up to $1,000 over the holidays

Consumers will be handsomely rewarded for following a smart credit card strategy.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Most still aren’t saying the R-word, but pessimism mounts as data backs away from peak

It’s tough to make the argument that the economy isn’t doing well, with the unemployment rate the lowest in a generation and growth in the most recent quarter above 3%. But a host of indicators are now below their best levels of the cycle, and the talk from economists is increasingly negative.

Clayton says SEC to focus on rules for financial professionals, proxy process

Jay Clayton, the Trump-appointed chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, on Thursday outlined his priorities for next year, which include new rules for financial professionals and improving the proxy process.

Fed still likely to raise interest rates in December, economists say — even as stock market gyrates

The Federal Reserve will stick to its intention to raise interest rates in December, despite rising doubts in financial markets, economists say.

Spending billions of dollars now to make cities more resilient to climate change could save the U.S. trillions later

But it’s still hard to find the billions needed for adaptation measures such as building seawalls and reinforcing infrastructure.

Trump golf club employed illegal immigrants: report

The Trump National Golf Club has employed a housekeeper who is an illegal immigrant as well as other undocumented workers, according to a New York Times report published Thursday.

Congress passes bill to keep government open for two weeks

Congress passed a two-week spending patch on Thursday, all but ensuring the government will avoid a partial shutdown this weekend.

Senate confirms Mulvaney protégé Kraninger as director of the CFPB

Critics say Kathy Kraninger has no experience fighting for consumers and endorses anti-consumer policies promoted by interim agency head and OMB director Mick Mulvaney

Fox News host Sean Hannity’s advice about cooperating with the FBI: Don’t

Breathless Trump supporter Sean Hannity clearly has a real problem with how Robert Mueller is running his investigation into Russian collusion, and he’s got a message for those thinking about cooperating with the FBI.

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Source : MTV